Monday, September 28, 2009


Got some writing done on my free time. Its still short, but its getting longer while still keeping it rich. I'll be trying again to write another that's even longer, while keeping it rich and on topic. Tell me what you think, anything I missed? (I know I skipped some senses, they're hard to fit in)
I warn you, this one might spook you.


My arm grew numb as I fell to the ground. Lifting myself up once again, I kept myself away from the window and the approaching men outside. I leaned against the brick wall using my left arm while observing the newly shattered glass that lay near my feet. Bugs crawled against my side down to my hips. I hadn’t seen my own blood for so long, I hardly realized that it was mine. As I turned my head to see it, my shirt painted itself white to red. My legs gave way as I watched my life pour from my shoulder. The two suited men walked in the doorway from across the darkening room, staring. They will take me with them, whether I wanted to die or not.

This thing gave me shivers when I wrote it. Did it do the same to you?


  1. Your progress is coming along nicely, your almost at "Day 1". In 3 months you're going to write a story that will change things, some people won't like that. Don't put your name on it, but make sure it circulates. If they find out you wrote it they will kill you, and we can't let that happen. Things may look bleak in the coming months, but it is critical you keep writing. Don't let us lose again.

    "Without me there is only you"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. are you my subconscious or something, you've got me spooked, thanks for commenting... What spooks me the most is that you use the same Nickname as me "Dr.Bob". and you look like some kind of fortuneteller here.

  4. We are Dr.Bob. Instructions to come soon. Read "Empire" by Orson Scott Card.

    "Our end is but my beginning"

  5. Heed this warning, don't trust Christopher. He will terminate the operation, without repercussions.
